科技达人 . 网页/APP 程序员 . 产品策略师

Hi, I’m Terry Tsang.

tech guy . web/app developer . product strategist


My Story

2006年毕业后,就理所当然的成为一位程序员, 开始了我的Programmer事业。Coding编写程序是一件极有挑战的工作,因为每一天等着你去破解的难题都不一样,而且有时候往往尝试了几小时后,才发觉不是少了一个符号,就是多了一个空格。当然往往需要先知道问题出在哪个点,才有办法集中那个点去尝试不同的解决方案,直到成功为止。

13年的职场生涯,在公司里担任过初级程序员,高级程序员,IT部门主管 (Team Lead),IT项目经理(Project Manager),产品拥有者(Product Owner), 甚至连首席技术官(CTO)也不小心当了一回。




After graduating in 2006, I naturally became a programmer and started my career in programming. Coding is an extremely challenging job because every day there are different problems waiting for you to solve. Sometimes after trying for hours, you only realize that the problem was caused by a missing symbol or an extra space. Of course, you need to know where the problem is before you can focus on that point and try different solutions until you succeed.

In my 13-year career, I have served as a junior programmer, senior programmer, IT department head (Team Lead), IT project manager (Project Manager), product owner (Product Owner), and even accidentally became a chief technology officer (CTO).

In 2019, I decided to switch to become a freelancer, taking on projects both domestically and internationally, becoming an IT consultant, helping some companies with digital transformation, designing websites and developing online systems and software that meet customer needs. Sometimes companies also approach me to hire short-term programmers.

Giving up the 9-to-5 corporate life and starting my own business is like giving up stable income, which is a big gamble for me, who still has three kids at home. At this stage, I am also enthusiastic about creating my own new products. Although I don't know if I will succeed in creating a great career, I believe that one must have dreams, know their goals, and believe in themselves in order to see the future they want to create.

Because I believe, I can see. Because I take action, I can achieve.


My Work

Joyous - Education Website

Building Your Children's Future Through Skill-Based Learning

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a project by "GoGreen Online"

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WooCommerce Plugins

TT WooCommerce Series

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Your 24/7 WordPress Consultant

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My Skills

Become your tech partner / CTO

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